Wrongful Termination / Discrimination

Fighting for justice for victims of wrongful termination and discrimination
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Wrongful Termination / Discrimination Attorney In Scranton, Pennsylvania

Our Employment Lawyers Have Your Back

Have you felt the harsh blow of wrongful termination or discrimination on the job? Let Tullio DeLuca, a tenacious employment law attorney in Scranton, Pennsylvania, assist you. He will meticulously review the evidence, present your options, and then guide you step-by-step through the journey to justice via the legal system. Whether it's discrimination at the workplace, during the hiring process, or unfair dismissal, Tullio DeLuca has a commendable track record of success in both negotiation and litigation. Let him work for you. Connect with Tullio DeLuca today!

Contact Law Office of Tullio DeLuca to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 570-747-4838

What Evidence Do I Need to Provide in a Wrongful Termination Case?

If you feel aggrieved by an unjust termination from your employment, it's important to document all the events that led to your dismissal. Take note of red flags, any layoff patterns, the reasons given for your dismissal, distasteful or prejudiced remarks made during the discussion, as well as any efforts you made to retain your job. These all form a fundamental part of your case. Furthermore, you will need to inform us about financial losses incurred due to the loss of your job, and if your employer replaced you with someone whose qualifications were less than yours or who accepted a lower wage. Tullio DeLuca, an Employment Law attorney operating in Scranton, Pennsylvania, will conduct a comprehensive review of your case, discuss your available courses of action, and seek out any potential legal steps that may help you obtain justice. Initiate the process today by scheduling a consultation with Tullio DeLuca.

What Constitutes a Successful Discrimination Case?

If you feel that an employer or prospective employer has treated you unfairly during the hiring, promotion, or termination process, you may have grounds for a discrimination claim. If your employer made any comments regarding your gender, marital status, national origin, race, age, parental status, disability, religion, military service status, or any other protected categories during the hiring process or in workplace practices, Tullio DeLuca is poised to help. Though discrimination cases can be demanding to demonstrate, be confident that Tullio DeLuca, a seasoned Employment Law professional in Scranton, Pennsylvania, will diligently pursue fairness for you. He will leave no stone unturned in the quest for justice. Reach out to him today to embark on this journey.

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