Residential Transactions

Whether you’re a buyer, seller, or investor, our residential real estate lawyers are on your side
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Residential Transactions Attorney In Scranton, Pennsylvania

Buying A Home? A Residential Real Estate Lawyer Can Help

Buying a home is often the most significant investment you'll ever make. Thus, when choosing to purchase a home or land to construct your dream house in Pennsylvania, having Tullio DeLuca - a seasoned real estate attorney - by your side to iron out all the legal specifics is integral. Tullio DeLuca will assist you in verifying the zoning of your potential property, conducting a title investigation to ensure the property is free from any mortgages, and securing title insurance to safeguard you from future issues. He will manage all the closing procedures and guide you in comprehending and completing the necessary paperwork to call that property your own. Tullio DeLuca approaches each client's home purchase with as much dedication as if it were his own. Just relax, enjoy the process of moving. Tullio DeLuca has got you covered.

Contact Law Office of Tullio DeLuca to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 570-747-4838

Selling Your Home? Hire an Experienced Real Estate Lawyer

When you decide to embark on the journey of selling your home, you need to consider more than just sprucing up your property and getting in touch with a real estate agent. The legal dimension of home sales is vast, encompassing everything from your rights as a seller to turn down a sale, all the way through to the crucial juncture of closing the sale. This is where Tullio DeLuca comes in. Based in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Tullio is well-versed in all elements of real estate law. Whether you need assistance in resolving a dispute, need to clarify your home's title, draft or scrutinize a contract, or need help in forming accurate legal descriptions and disclosures, Tullio DeLuca is there to guide you. With an extensive track record in residential transactions from both the seller’s and purchaser’s standpoint, Tullio ensures your interests are safeguarded.

Want to Invest in Residential Real Estate? Our Attorneys Can Help

Whether you're keen on refurbishing properties or stepping into the role of a landlord, a variety of legal considerations arise before you dive into the real estate investment world. From title complexities to loan deception to construction professionals breaking contracts, you could encounter a multitude of legal obstacles at the very outset. Furthermore, when preparing to sell or rent, it is essential to ensure your property descriptions and advertisements are aligned with non-discrimination laws, accurately depict your property, and disclose any existing issues. Navigating these processes alone can be overwhelming. With the skilled assistance of Tullio DeLuca, a distinguished Real Estate attorney in Scranton, Pennsylvania, you can move ahead with assurance, safe in the knowledge that your investment property is in capable hands.

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