Living Trusts

Create a lasting legacy for your heirs with a living trust
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Living Trusts Attorney In Scranton, Pennsylvania

What Is A Living Trust?

Living trusts are an integral part of estate planning that Tullio DeLuca can help you establish and fund while you're alive. Unlike a testamentary (contingent) trust, which only comes into effect after you pass away, a living trust is set up during your lifetime. It's a cost-efficient and straightforward method of ensuring your heirs' needs are met, offering you a complete peace of mind. With a living trust, you retain full control over the assets within your trust as if they were still under your name. To understand more about this, reach out to Tullio DeLuca, your dedicated Estate Planning Law practitioner in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Contact Law Office of Tullio DeLuca to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 570-747-4838

What Benefits Do Living Trusts Provide to My Heirs?

Living trusts offer a way to care for your children's or other heirs' needs without the necessity of probate. This process can be expensive and could take months, if not years to finalize. If your heirs reside far from you, handling all the related paperwork could become quite a nuisance. Living trusts can also reduce your heirs' tax burden, minimizing financial stress during a period when they should focus on coping with loss. To get more information, schedule a meeting with Pennsylvania's dedicated Estate Planning Law attorney, Tullio DeLuca, based in Scranton.

Does a Living Trust Benefit Me Now?

In addition to retaining full control over the assets you place into the trust, a living trust can also provide for your needs should you experience a disability. Without a living trust or financial power of attorney, the probate court has the potential to dictate the care you receive from your family. Implementing a living trust allows you to nominate a trustee – generally a family member or close friend – to oversee your assets in case you become incapacitated. A living trust is revocable, meaning that you can readily adjust the provisions or even revoke it entirely as your circumstances evolve. It's one of the most straightforward yet effective methods to ensure the loved ones you care for can manage your assets when you are no longer able to. Discover the tranquility that comes with a living trust. Discuss your needs in a consultation with Tullio DeLuca, your dedicated estate planning attorney in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

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